coconut oil Tag

blood orange granola-6

03 Jun Blood Orange Granola

I'm aware that this post isn't 100% appropriate for the current season but I actually made this blood orange granola several months ago when the stores were filled with affordable citrus fruits. The citrus season must have been a busy time for me because somehow I forgot to post this recipe. Today I was looking through some old recipes in my folders on my computer and found this blood orange granola. Since I haven't had time to create a new recipe this week I thought I might as well post this one, because it's too good not to share.
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cranberry granola bars-1

26 Apr Date Sweetened Cranberry Granola Bars

Okay, so I kinda made too many promises in my last post...  Apparently I said something about a french inspired recipe and I also promised to post said recipe the following week. Life(read school) got in the way, but I'm making up for it this week by sharing the recipe for these amazing date sweetened cranberry granola bars! It's been a long time since I last made energy bars which is such a shame since they're so easy to make, yet delicious.
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21 Apr Paleo frallor

Dessa paleo frallor innehåller varken mjöl, ägg eller mjölk och det innehåller nästan bara nötter och frön! När jag testade att baka det här receptet trodde jag inte att det skulle bli särskilt gott men jag hade fel. Det är jättegott och det är superenkelt att...

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